In 1983-1984 Mr. L. J. Mott, PE, joined the team assembled by the contractor responsible for installing a 50 megawatt turbine and generator on the existing Kingsley Dam, owned by the Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District (CNPPID). The project superintendent was Mr. Tom Evered, as of 2023 with Jalisco International, Inc., Denver, CO.
Mr. Mott was responsible for the design and operation of a dual purpose automatic pump skid capable of performing multiple 150 psi hydrotest cycles on the 250,000 gallon spiral casing, and also maintaining 75 psi in the casing over the full cure time of the concrete encasement. Mr. Mott also designed the thermal control system required to dissipate the heat-of-hydration generated during the concrete curing process.
For the first time since 1984, the plant was recently taken off line for major maintenance; a truly remarkable performance record.