Coastal environments present special engineering problems in terms of metal corrosion and deterioration of wood based construction materials.  One solution for wooden beam structures is the specification of Parallam Plus PSL manufactured beams.

Storm surge due to hurricane force winds can undermine and destroy infrastructure, even though the main structures are elevated and protected.  Slabs that are frangible by code (not attached to the main structure) can, however, be protected by riprap.  Hurricane Michael in October of 2018 extensively damaged a Gulf Coast condominium complex.  Both the Gulf facing balconies and the frangible parking structure slabs were seriously compromised.  GES Tech Group was retained by the home owners association (HOA) to design and supervise installation of balcony repairs and to specify and supervise installation of replacement frangible parking area slabs, in accordance with design codes for coastal installations.  GES Tech Group also designed and supervised installation of rip rap protection for the new frangible slab.